National level - 4 prizes

State level
1st Prizes - 12
2nd Prizes - 16
3rd Prizes - 90

District level
1st Prizes - 50
2nd Prizes - 35
3rd Prizes - 137

Overall Championships – 3

  • 1.   Emora Mercy of Std IX was congratuted by the central Minister Piyus Goyal and State Electricity Department Minister Thangamani for her state and National level achievement.
  • 2.   In the State level Power Grid Painting Junior category competition among 1 crore 28 lakhs & 20 thousand paintings S. Muthu Priya of Std VI stood state II & was awarded Rs. 15000. And for the same among all the states she stood National II and was awarded Rs. 50000 by the Central Power Minister Shri. R. K. Singh in the presence of President Shri. Ram Nath Govind.
  • 3.   In the ISRO State level Tamil & English Elocution competition R. Anusha of std X, S. Kasthuri of std X & P. Sivagami of std XII stood state II & got PSLV awards from the Sub collector Mr. Akash.
  • 4.   Sri Venkateshwara Gas agency conducted an interschool competition among all the schools in Tisaiyanvillai. We won the overall champion cup with the co – operation of the students and teachers.
  • 5.   VV Engineering college, Tisaiyanvillai conducted an interschool competition among 3 districts. I am very proud to say that we won the champion cup among all the schools.
  • 6.   In the Forest Department competitions N. Magna of Std I & S. Abiram Soma Sundaram of std IX stood state II and was awarded by Minister Dindigul Srinivasan.
  • 7.   The Teachers Association conducted competitions on elocution & essay writing in four levels. In all the levels totally we got 10 prizes.
  • 8.   Suriyan FM conducted District level Varnajalam drawing competition. In that we won 14 prizes
  • 9.   Got the award from our District Colletor on Independence Day.
  • 10.   In Venthar TV’s ‘UngaMedaiPetcharangu Show’ P. Nithis Kumar of std X got the Best Orator Award from cine actor Rajesh.
  • 11.   In the drawing competition conducted by Aravind Eye Hospital totally we got 5 prizes.
  • 12.   KalakadMundanthurai Tigers Conservation conducted essay writing & drawing competitions. In district level we got 3 prizes.
  • 13. Tamil Nadu Government conducted various competitions on environmental awareness. In that totally we got 8 1st prizes.
  • 14.   In the Voters Day Awareness drawing competition M. Venu Kumar of std XI stood District II and was awarded by Tahsildar Mr. Ravi Kumar.
  • 15.   On account of Wild life week celebration Tamil Nadu Government conducted various competitions on elocution & drawing in five levels. Totally we got 11 prizes.
  • 16.   In the World Yoga Day drawing competition conducted by Tamil Nadu Government we got 6 prizes.
  • 17.   On the 100th Anniversary of Anna, competitions like elocution & essay writing were conducted. In that S. Kasthuri of std X got Rs. 2,500 in District level & Rs. 5,000 in State level. For the same L. CathrineLeeenus of std XI got Rs. 5,000 in State level.
  • 18.   In the State level Power Grid Painting senior category competition R. Sharmila of std IX got Rs. 5,000 & was awarded by Minister. Thangamani.
  • 19.   In the Courtallam Hilton show fest interschool competition, we won many prizes.
  • 20.   In the Photography competition conducted by Tirunelveli Photography Union totally we got 8 prizes in District level.
  • 21.   In the competitions conducted by Ramalinganar Charitable Trust S. Kasthuri of std X got District & State level prize and was awarded by the architect Mr. Balasubramani.
  • 22.   The Central Government conducted Water Conservation drawing competition. Very soon the result will be declared.
  • 23.   DMK Youth team conducted Bharathidasan Poetry recitation competition. S. Kasthuri of std X was awarded with Rs. 1,500.
  • 24.   On account of Brahma Kumarigal 80th anniversary, competitions like essay writing & drawing were conducted. The 4 winners were awarded by our Supreme Court Judge. Mr. Swaminathan.
  • 25.   In the PCRA painting competition S. Shiv NarenGaneshwar of std VI stood National III & was awarded with Rs. 10,000 + 36,000 worth laptop by the Executive Officer Shri. Alok Thripathi. For the same E. SahayaIgnatious Aswan of std VI got the National prize Rs. 10,000 & a beautiful tab.
  • 26.   Kalabharathi Institute conducted Drawing and Handwriting competition in State level. In that our school got more prizes & won the award ‘PalkalaRathna Award’.
  • 27.   Magna of Std I got the ‘Best Performance Award’ in the Fancy Dress competition as Kalpana Chawla conducted by District Science Centre.
  • 28.   TamilNadu Government conducted wall painting competition. In that we stood District I and was appreciated by District collector SantheepNandhoori.
  • 29.   On account of ‘National Science Day’, District Science centre conducted various competitions like clay Modelling , Vegetable carving, Drawing, Aroma contest etc. Totally we got 13 prizes in District level.
  • 30.   In the Karate Tournament conducted among 6 districts, we won 18 medals totally.
  • 31.   Received 3 prizes on Diet Day competition conducted by District science centre.
  • 32.   Various competitions conducted by TamilNadu Government on Environment Awareness we won the 1st prize in all and the cash award is Rs.8500/.
  • 33.   IMS Mr.Natarajan congratulated Muthu Priya of std VI who got National level 2nd prize from our Governor Shri.Ram Nath Govind.
  • 34.   In the Science Talent Exam conducted by Shakespeare Institute Madhan Dharshan of LKG got state III Prize and M.S.Hansika of Std I got State III Prize.
  • 35.   Radhapuram Constituency MLA I.S.InbaDurai congratulated the National Winners of our school and encouraged them by giving away the shield.
  • 36.   On account of Mahatma Gandhi Birthday, Hindi Prachara Sabha conducted Hindi Handwriting competition for our students. Totally we got 24 Prizes in state level.
  • 37.   National and State level achievers were appreciated by our Chief Educational officers Mrs.Muruganantham.
  • 38.   District Science centre conducted various competitions on Drinks awareness. In that in Drama we stood District I & got Rs.5000, in Drawing Shaamini of Std XII stood III in District & got Rs.2000 & in elocution Deepa Ananthi of Std XII stood District III & won Rs.2000.